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March sees the start of ground and wetland nesting bird season, keep dogs under close control and on a lead near livestock, wildlife and open water.


We Hear You Now: Testimonials film

Hear from the writers, partners and participants in We See You Now and We Hear You Now, exploring their experiences of the project, connection to landscape, and its influence on their work.

With thanks to Bip Mistry.

We Hear You Now Project film

Experience spoken word extracts from We Hear You Now set to beautiful and inspirational film and music.

With thanks to Bip Mistry.

Other digital media produced during the Writer Residency can be found here:

Caught by the River

At the end of June, South Downs National Park Authority and Alinah Azadeh, inaugural writer-in-residence for the Seven Sisters Country Park and Sussex Heritage Coast, announced We Hear You Now: a new spoken word audio commission embedded in the landscape – and online – presenting contemporary speculative fiction, poetry and new myths by nine Sussex-based writers of colour. Find the article here: We Hear You Now | Caught by the River | Caught by the River

Decolonising Green Spaces E-Book, Brunel University

Alinah Azadeh featured in this e-book, celebrating the voices of women of colour in UK nature spaces. Find the e-book here: Decolonising Green Spaces Ebook – Brunel University

BBC Radio 3 Late Junction

Nature lover Verity Sharp steps out with a selection of music for rambling and roving, including spoken word from We Hear You Now, a commission led by Alinah Azadeh and embedded in England’s Sussex coastal landscape. Find out more here: BBC Radio 3 – Late Junction, As I Walked Out

BBC Radio 3: Into the Wild

Alinah Azadeh performed ‘The Hidden Valley’ on BBC Radio 3 The Essay, as part of the Into the Wild season. Listen here: BBC Radio 3 – The Essay, Into the Wild

Women Up! Podcast

This Woman Up! On Tour episode went to Brighton and spent time at the incredible Quiet Down There studio talking to three inspiring women: Lucy Jeffries, AFLO.the poet and Alinah Azadeh. Listen here: Woman Up! On Tour – Quiet Down There, Brighton (

If You Can Imagine

A film poem written and performed by Alinah Azadeh. Commissioned for the Seaford Head Archaeology project by the South Downs National Park, in partnership with Archaeology South East and Seaford Town Council, and inspired by the histories of this fragile coastline. Watch and listen here: Seaford Head Archaeology Project: ‘If you can imagine’, a spoken word performance by Alinah Azadeh – YouTube

With thanks to Chip Creative.

The Colour of Chalk Podcast

“The Colour of Chalk” podcast was part of We See You Now, which explored diverse voices and personal connections to the South Downs National Park through walk-and-talk interviews with writers and artists of global majority heritage involved in the programme. Explore the podcast here: Episode One: “A Landscape for All” by The Colour of Chalk (

Covert Literary Magazine: Edition 3

The Natural Heritage of the South Downs

Featuring an introduction by Alinah Azadeh and work by We Hear You Now writers, Joyoti Grech Cato, Jenny Arach, Akila M. Richards, Razia Aziz, Georgina Aboud, Georgina Parke, Dulani Kulasinghe and Pauline Rutter, and dedicated to BPOC writers’ and creatives’ responses to the South Downs, whose natural beauty and heritage offer a place for exploration, refuge and homecoming for many.

Purchase the edition in print or as a digital publication: Shop | WRITING OUR LEGACY